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Our gynaecological oncology medical team diagnoses and treats patients presenting with cancers such as malignant breast tumours (breast cancer) and reproductive organ cancers involving the ovaries, fallopian tubes, peritoneum, uterus, cervix, vagina, labia and vulva. We treat more than 100 new cases of gynaecological malignancies involving the breast and the genitals per year.

All gynaeco-oncology patients are introduced within our interdisciplinary network of specialists in gynaecology, radiology, oncology, surgery, radio-oncology, pathology, plastic surgery, physiotherapy, oncology, breast cancer and cancer care. We work together with the patient to develop the best possible treatment strategy. We were certified as a Doc-Cert network partner of the Breast Centre of the Lucerne Cantonal Hospital, in 2014. This partnership enables our patients to benefit from highly specialised yet local advice, medical care and support.


  • Gynaecology surgery including minimally invasive tumour surgery
  • Open or laparoscopic radical surgery for ovarian cancer, uterine cancer and cervical cancer
  • Surgical treatment of vulva (cancer of the vaginal opening) and vaginal carcinoma (vaginal cancer) including sentinel lymph node procedures.
  • Plastic reconstruction surgery in cooperation with the Lucerne Cantonal Hospital (at the Zuger Kantonsspital)

Book an appointment

T +41 41 399 32 10
F +41 41 399 32 11
E frauenklinik@STOP-SPAM.zgks.ch

Further information


  • Chefarzt Frauenklinik
  • T+41 41 399 32 00
  • Leitender Arzt Frauenklinik
  • T+41 41 399 32 10
  • Stv. Chefarzt Frauenklinik
  • T+41 41 399 32 10