Ear, nose, throat and facial surgery
The range of services offered depends on the expertise of the respective affiliated physicians. We offer procedures covering the entire spectrum of the outer and middle ear, nose and throat. The Zug Cantonal Hospital provides affiliated physicians with a modern infrastructure comprising an endoscopy unit, operating microscope and neuromonitoring. As a general rule, operations are performed on an outpatient or on a short-term inpatient basis.
- Nose (paranasal sinus surgery, nasal septum corrections, tear duct surgery, repositioning of nasal bone fracture)
- Throat (tonsillectomy, salivary gland surgery with neuromonitoring, thyroid surgery with neuromonitoring, throat cyst surgery, snoring surgery, tumour removal)
- Ear (correct protruding ears, middle ear surgery [tympanic tube and paracentesis, mastoid surgery], removal of outer and middle ear tumours)
Our team
Belegärztin Hals-, Nasen-, Ohren-, Gesichtschirurgie
- T+41 41 710 30 72
Belegarzt Hals-, Nasen-, Ohren-, Gesichtschirurgie
- T+41 41 790 05 50
Belegärztin Hals-, Nasen-, Ohren-, Gesichtschirurgie
- T+41 41 711 26 44
Belegärztin Hals-, Nasen-, Ohren-, Gesichtschirurgie
- T+41 44 793 16 16
Belegarzt Hals-, Nasen-, Ohren-, Gesichtschirurgie
- T+41 41 710 30 73
Belegarzt Hals-, Nasen-, Ohren-, Gesichtschirurgie
- T+41 41 763 30 30
Belegarzt Hals-, Nasen-, Ohren-, Gesichtschirurgie
- T+41 41 711 26 44