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Wound consultation

Chronic wounds are often debilitating and can take months to resolve. They are frequently caused by a variety of factors. The correct diagnosis and treatment strategy as well as interdisciplinary cooperation with our specialists from various fields are decisive for successful therapy.

Our wound clinic treats outpatients and inpatients suffering from chronic and acute wounds based on application of the latest scientific research findings. Medicine, research and industry have spent years developing modern wound treatment methods. With our specifically adapted wound expert know-how we offer an accurate evaluation and treatment of the wound together with all types of complex wound dressings. Our team of wound experts closely co-operates with our in-house hospital specialists in the radiology, vascular diagnostics, kidney diseases, infectious diseases, vascular surgery, diabetology and orthopaedic foot surgery fields. We work together with the GPs and other institutions, such as Spitex, to develop an individual therapeutic strategy for the patient.

The wound consultation takes place at the Zuger Kantonsspital and at Buonaserstrasse 7 in Rotkreuz. You can find the directions for Rotkreuz here.


  • Defining therapy and treatment strategies which includes surgical planning, with due consideration of the social circumstances, exercise and diet
  • Wound therapies which include the latest wound dressings, growth factors, vacuum therapy, skin replacement procedures, biosurgery (maggot therapy)

Make an appointment

T +41 41 399 47 20
F +41 41 399 47 21
E wundsprechstunde@STOP-SPAM.zgks.ch

Our team

Leitender Arzt Chirurgische Klinik
  • T+41 41 399 47 20
Leiterin Privatstation Chirurgie / Medizin
Oberärztin Chirurgische Klinik
  • T+41 41 399 47 20
Oberärztin Chirurgische Klinik
  • T+41 41 399 47 20