Our gynaecology specialists carry out preventive medical check-ups and advise women of all ages on issues such as contraception, menopause, conception difficulties, menstrual disorders, incontinence and much more. We specialise, among other things, in treating women suffering from symptoms caused by myomas, endometriosis, infectious diseases, or other diseases of the female reproductive organs.
We consider a woman's individual life situation and provide thorough and sensitive examinations and consultations. Using the very latest surgical methods, we can, for example, help women with endometriosis, which often leads to many years of impaired quality of life, to become free of symptoms for the very first time. After this it is not uncommon to conceive naturally without any further medical intervention.
- Treatment of genital skin diseases
- Evaluation and treatment of abdominal pain and infections involving the vagina, uterus and fallopian tubes
- Myomas - evaluation and treatment
- Menstrual disorders - evaluation and treatment
- Conception problems/infertility therapy
- Evaluation, therapy and aftercare for cancer
- Operations such as modern minimally invasive surgery, uterine endoscopies, laparoscopies, conisations (cervix surgery), cancer surgery
- Gynaecology check-ups
- Colposcopy (examination of the cervix with magnifying optics)
- Vaginal ultrasound examinations including 3D and Doppler
- Contraception
- Family Planning
- Youth gynaecology (first love and so on)
- Treatment of menopausal symptoms
- Hormone therapies
- Endometriosis: Specialised evaluation and treatment consultations
- Urogynaecology consultation or bladder and pelvic floor consultations
Book an appointment
T +41 41 399 32 10
F +41 41 399 32 11
E frauenklinik@